Welcome to Board of Municipal & Zoning Appeals

BMZA hearings are held in the Benton Building, 417 E. Fayette Street, in the 8th floor Planning Department Boardroom.

BMZA hearings are in person, with no virtual/hybrid component, except in very limited circumstances.

All applicants and individuals in support and opposition to any matter before the Board must appear in person or provide testimony in writing to bmza@baltimorecity.gov at least 24 hours ahead of the scheduled hearing.

No participant will have an option to present information electronically during the hearing; please bring eight (8) printed copies of any document that you would like the Board to consider or submit it electronically at least 24 hours ahead. 

If you have any questions regarding BMZA hearings please email us.

BMZA is a quasi-judicial Board that hears appeals from City agencies including the following:

  • land use and zoning appeals
  • alleyway/footway assessments
  • public right-of-way closures
  • False Alarm Reduction Program appeals
  • miscellaneous administrative agency appeals

In its capacity as a land-use regulatory agency and quasi-judicial board, BMZA hears and determines all zoning appeals under the authority granted by the Baltimore City Charter and the Land Use Article of the MD Annotated Code, as well as Maryland common law.

BMZA decisions are based upon local and state law with the overall purpose of promoting the health, security, and general welfare of the community. The Board has these general goals with respect to land use and zoning appeals:

  • Prevents the overcrowding of land
  • Avoid undue concentration of population
  • Provide adequate light and air
  • Secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers
  • Reduce congestion in the streets
  • Help for adequate transportation, water, sewers, schools, parks, and other public services

Public Information Act Requests

BMZA records are public documents subject to open review and inspection during regular business hours.  Inspection of the physical documents in the office is by appointment only.  Executive Director of the BMZA Rebecca Witt is the custodian of records for this entity.  If you wish to submit an MPIA request to obtain copies of BMZA records, please complete the MPIA Request Webform here or download a PDF version to print, fill it out and send to us by email or send it by regular mail to:

BMZA - Attn: Rebecca Witt MPIA Request
417 E. Fayette Street- Suite 922
Baltimore MD 21202. 

Phone Number: 410-396-4301

Please allow 10 days from the date your form is received for someone to contact you regarding your request.